Our early years’ programmes are full day programs based on the philosophy that young children benefit from developing skills of personal independence.
The international backgrounds and experiences of the BLIS community create a learning environment rich in diversity.
The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program offers an international education through a learner-centered, inquiry-based, team-teaching approach.
At BLIS, we utilize a wide range of resources. As our students begin to develop the skills of lifelong learning and international-mindedness, they apply their learning to the real world.
We promote academic, aesthetic, physical and social growth. By recognizing the individual abilities, interests and talents of each child, our young learners are encouraged to question ideas and search for knowledge. We foster critical thinking and creativity.
Location: Bilkent Laboratory & International School
East Campus, Bilkent
Ankara 06800
Telephone: (312) 290-5361/2
Email: school@blisankara.org
School Hours: M-F: 8am – 4pm
Grades 1-4
Grades 1-4 continues the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Program (PYP) and demonstrates a learner-centered, inquiry-based, team-teaching approach.
Each year, students engage in challenging units of inquiry that explore the transdisciplinary themes of Who We Are, Where We Are in Place and Time, How We Express Ourselves, How the World Works, How We Organize Ourselves, and Sharing the Planet.
The program focuses on developing strong academic English language skills. Each homeroom class has a full-time international teacher and a full-time Turkish teacher.
Our rigorous academic program includes study in languages, mathematics, units of inquiry (science, social studies) and the arts. Specialist teachers strengthen the curriculum with instruction in physical education, visual arts, music, drama, dance, library and information communication technology (ICT).
At the end of fourth grade, students present a culminating exhibition demonstrating successful completion of their IB PYP years.
İlkokul Türkçe Dersi Öğretim Programı, MEB’in özel amaçları doğrultusunda, öğrencilerin hayat boyu kullanabilecekleri 4 temel dil becerisi (dinleme/izleme, konuşma, okuma ve yazma) etrafında yapılandırılmıştır.
BLIS PYP English lessons promote language proficiency and critical thinking, fostering creativity and effective communication through diverse literary exploration and activities.
BLIS Math program empowers students with a dynamic curriculum, enhancing problem-solving skills and mathematical proficiency through interactive and engaging lessons.
Science/Social Studies
BLIS Science/Social Studies program engages students with interactive, inquiry-based learning, cultivating curiosity and critical thinking skills.
Our Upcoming Curricular Events
School Day
PK-12 Firts Day of School
Fall Break
28 Oct – 1 Nov (No School)
Parent Teacher Confernces
14-15 Nov (No School)
Winter Break
23 Dec- 3 Jan (No School)
Spring Break
10 – 14 March (No School)
Children Day
No School

Total Classes
Years Established
Get In Touch
Location: Bilkent Laboratory & International School
Üniversiteler Mah. Doğu Kampüs, Bilkent
Ankara 06800
Telephone: (312) 290-5361/2
Email: school@blisankara.org
School Hours: M-F: 8am – 4pm